VNTi Heavy-Duty NG


  • Flow bench equipment for turbochargers from light and heavy vehicles
  • Ergonomic design
  • 2 turbo fixing bases on a single and large workbench
  • Test both electronic and pneumatic actuators from light and heavy-duty vehicles’ turbochargers
  • High precision
  • 21.5’ Touch screen

The VNTi Heavy-Duty NG is the first flow equipment to adjust turbochargers from heavy-duty vehicles. In addition, the VNTi Heavy-Duty NG also has all the VNT’s functions to adjust light turbochargers, transforming the VNTi Heavy-Duty NG in an unique equipment.
It has two different areas for fixing the turbochargers (left for light vehicles and right for heavy-duty vehicles). So it is now possible, on a single workbench, to adjust light and heavy-duty turbochargers’ variable nozzles with electronic or pneumatic actuators.

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Ladeira da Paula, nº 10
3040-574 Antanhol – Coimbra, Portugal
(+351) 239 155 737
Monday – Friday: 9h-13h & 14h-19h